29 December 2006
Network License Manager Troubleshooting          
Here is a quick troubleshooting list when you can't seem to retreive a network license for your Autodesk product using FlexLM.
  1. Make sure your license manager (LM) server is running.

    • Check to make sure the machine is on.
    • Check to make sure the network cable is plugged in.
    • Check to make sure the service is running.
    • Re-read the license if necessary.
    • Confirm the NAME of the LM (to be used later).

  2. Make sure that your PC can access the LM.

    • Make sure you can ping the LM. Go to Start>Run, type in CMD. At the Command Prompt, type in PING MYLM (where MYLM is the name of your LM). You are looking for a response like this:
      Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
      Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
      Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
      Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

    • If you get a response of Ping request could not find host... or Request timed out, then you may have connectivity problems not related the AutoCAD or the LM.
    • Next, open the Control Panel, then choose System. (You can quickly do this by pressing the Win key and the Pause/Break key). Then choose the Advanced tab, and then click on the Environment Variables button.

      • In the System Variables box, check to see if there is a variable named ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE.

      • If there is, make sure the value is set to the name of your LM. It should begin with an "@" sign. Example: @MYLM.
      • If you have more than one LM, separate the names with semicolons. Example: @MYLM;@MYLM2;@MYLM3
      • If this variable does not exist, create it using the NEW button and add the fields as mentioned above.

If you add this environment variable correctly, then there is no need to ever worry about a LICPATH.LIC file or any other method because the order of precedence always starts with the ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE environment variable.

If you done all the above and are still getting an error message, take a look at this list of FlexLM error codes and their meanings.

Reference Links from the Autodesk KB:
Use of licpath.lic file and ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE environment variable on same computer

Using ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE and LM_LICENSE_FILE variables on same computer


PermaLink       Posted 12/29/2006 06:04:00 PM     

Comment from: Anonymous Anonymous
Date: August 11, 2007 at 9:35:00 AM CDT  

Great! Thanks for the tips. This is pretty good and quite straight forward. The only thing worth mentioning in addition is the TIMEOUT variable with option files which lets the users disconnect after a number of idle minutes. This is useful for letting connections idle out instead of hang. In addition we've used License Statistics ( ) to see information about our licenses and resolve potential problems like if users use the software for too long.

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